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【 Two Notes 】Torpedo Captor

是 Two Notes 最新發行的一款多功能負載盒,有了它就意味著你的箱頭終於能被解放出來了!你可以把喜歡的箱頭用在電腦錄音中,不用連在 4×12″箱體上然後用麥克風錄音了!半夜錄音也不會有鄰居投訴!它同時也是一個 -20dB 的功率衰減器,如果想要更燥的音色,即使 Booster 開大也能保證音量保持在正常的範圍,也完全不用擔心吃音色的問題!無論是在現場還是錄音室,對於那些想把結他或 Bass 箱頭直接用於錄音的樂手來說,Torpedo Captor 可以說是一款非常實用的工具!

■ 負載盒:在家裡彈琴時候尤其需要控制音量,現在在舞台或者錄音室裡也經常會出現這類需求,如果你不想給箱頭接箱體的話就需要連接一個負載。作為全球頂尖的負載設備製造商,Two Notes 在這款 Captor 中使用了無功負載技術,模擬揚聲器阻抗,你的箱頭八成會覺得自己連接了一台真箱體。

■ 功率衰減器:如果你想把箱體留在台上監聽,Captor 還帶有兩個揚聲器輸出接口:THRU 和 ATT。THRU 接口即為音量不變,ATT 接口帶有 -20dB 的衰減,在不吃音色的情況下將音量控制在理想的範圍。

■ DI 輸出:Captor 為箱頭信號提供了一個 DI 輸出,DI XLR 輸出由幻象電源供電,帶有純淨低噪的運放緩衝。

■ 箱體模擬:如果在台上通過 Captor 接入 PA,你還需要把箱頭信號再潤潤色。這款 Captor 裡還帶有模擬線路箱模,一個結他一個 Bass,這樣監聽音箱出來的聲音會讓你聽到更多細節。也可以在 Captor 後面連接一個 Torpedo C.A.B.,使用更多的 IR 箱模。


Play your tube amplifier at neighbor-friendly volume levels, or play without a speaker cabinet at all, with the Two Notes Torpedo Captor reactive load box, direct box, attenuator and speaker simulator. Based on the acclaimed Torpedo Reload, the Torpedo Captor is your solution for attenuating your amp's volume as well as sending your tone direct to a PA or recording system. Suitable for amps up to 100 watts, the Torpedo Captor's -20dB attenuator allows for cranked-amp tones at lower volume levels. And built-in speaker simulation allows you to record the full sonic intensity of your amplifier direct to your DAW, without miking up a speaker cabinet.

■ Features:
- Reactive load box, direct box, attenuator and speaker emulation for electric guitar amps (16 ohm)
- 100-watt reactive load box allows you to play your guitar amp without a speaker cabinet
- -20dB attenuator allows you to achieve cranked-amp tone at lower volume levels
- Speaker simulation is perfect for sending your amp's tone direct to a PA or recording device
- Speaker Thru allows you to connect direct and to a speaker cabinet simultaneously
- Wall of Sound III cabinet model plug-in lets you achieve true-to-life studio miking of your amp within your DAW

Two Notes Torpedo Captor 16


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    Products in stock shown on our website may not be updated immediately due to technology constraints. If the product is unavailable after purchase, it would be labelled as “pre-ordered” and mailed to customers right after its arrival. To avoid any inconvenience, customers are encouraged to enquire us about our most up-to-date inventory before making purchases online. 

    Sold products are non-refundable and only defective products are eligible for exchange. If defects are found on the product, please visit our retail store in person for an exchange.

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