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🇨🇦【 Empress Effects 】Compressor MKII 壓縮器效果器

在2011年發布原始的 Compressor 效果器時,它迅速成為結他和 Bass 演奏者的最愛,所追求的不僅僅是大多數壓縮效果器上典型的過於簡化的控件。現在,基於用戶的寶貴反饋,Compressor MKII 進行了所有改進,並將其做得更好。MKII 保留上一代的全部功能和控件之外,不但縮小體積,還增加了許多新的特色,增加輸入和增益,降低測光,獨立的起音和釋放控件,用於並行壓縮的混合旋鈕和外部側鏈插入,在壓縮器的檢測電路中增加了一個“傾斜”音等效控制,以及一個可選的側​​鏈高通濾波器。




■ Features:
All Analog Signal Path - no digitals in here!
Extremely Transparent - Add dynamic control without altering the original tone of your instrument
3 Compression Ratios - 2:1, 4:1 and 10:1 ratios offer lots of flexibility
Attack and Release Control - allows for ultimate control over the compression characteristics
Mix - Blend uncompressed signal in with the compressed signal for parallel compression, New York Style!
Metering - Meter both gain reduction and input levels on separate meters.
Tone - New tone knob, a "tilt" sytle tone knob centered at 500Hz to nail that perfect tone.
Sidechain Send/Return - 3.5mm TRS jack send and return for sidechain compresson.  
Sidechain High Pass Filter - No need to add a high pass filter to the sidechain, now there is one built in that can be toggled off or set to 120 or 240Hz. 
True Display LEDs - Bright multi-color LEDs always let you know what the compressor is doing.
Power On Bypassed or Engaged - For musicians that never want to turn their compressor off. 
True Bypass - The Empress Compressor employs true bypass, so you can be sure that it's not affecting the signal when disengaged.
Small Size - New enclosure approximately half the size of the original compressor, which is delightfully small when considering all the features packed into this unit.
Beautiful Case - It has a sparkle you can't deny, in blue or silver!

Empress Effects Compressor MKII (Blue)


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    We support payment via PayMe / FPS / Bank account transfer. Please contact us for more payment details. 

    Products in stock shown on our website may not be updated immediately due to technology constraints. If the product is unavailable after purchase, it would be labelled as “pre-ordered” and mailed to customers right after its arrival. To avoid any inconvenience, customers are encouraged to enquire us about our most up-to-date inventory before making purchases online. 

    Sold products are non-refundable and only defective products are eligible for exchange. If defects are found on the product, please visit our retail store in person for an exchange.

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