Play Music Workshop 成立於2014年,以香港作為基地,盡享國際大都會優越地理位置及物流樞紐的優勢,致力推動本土音樂發展。
Play Music Workshop 團隊一向秉承以客為先的宗旨,代理世界優質產品為目標,提供完善售後服務為責任,信譽超卓,專業可靠!

Established in 2014, Play Music Workshop endeavors to promote the development of Hong Kong local music. Based in Hong Kong, our workshop enjoys the advantageous geographical location of being an international logistics hub.
Our business has diversified over the past few years. Apart from serving as an agency for certain brands of musical instruments and an online shopping platform , we provide retail services at our physical store, music courses, consultation and repairs to musical instruments, etc. With innovated thinking, we aim to expand and promote the music cultural industry. We would continue to bring in excellent world-renowned musical instrument brands, providing Hong Kong musicians with professional and varied choices. With our diverse services, we hope to put an end to the monopoly of big businesses in the market of musical instruments, restoring pluralism in the industry.
Our team takes a customer-based attitude and promises to provide comprehensive after-sales services. One step at a time, we aim to become a distributor of desirable products around the world. We are confident in earning your trust with our reputation and professionalism!